Greening Reminder 2018
Monday 20th August 2018
Please see above for an update on your existing Greening 2018 obligations and important dates.
New Entrant Capital Grant Scheme
Monday 20th August 2018
💥New Entrant Capital Grant Scheme - closing 31st August 2018💥 Please be aware that due to exceeding budget this scheme will close…
Basic Payment 2018
Monday 13th August 2018
National Basic Payment Support Scheme (NBPSS) Loans payments will be made from early October 2018 of upto 90% due from your…
Agricultural Vehicles on Public Roads - know the rules!
Wednesday 25th July 2018
You must notify the police within 2 working days if your agricultural vehicle exceeds the following: 🚜Width - > 3m and 🚜Distance - Travelling > 5miles and/or 🚜Speed - on a road with a speed limit of 4m (front or rear) Or simplify the process and arrange a "Agricultural Dispensation" allowing you to move…
Beef Efficiency Scheme - Deadline
Saturday 14th July 2018
🐄Beef Efficiency Scheme - Deadline🐄 Please remember that all disposals and births between 1st Jan 2018 until the 1st June 2018 must be recorded online by 15th July (TOMORROW). Please remember to upload your calf…
Agri-Env Mown Grassland
Saturday 30th June 2018
Ready, Steady, Go....🚜 With many of you champing at the bit to get your agri-env silage/hay cut you will be delighted to know that from midnight tonight you can make a start (1st July)!👨🌾 But please remember the following... 1)You must cut it…
LFASS 2017 Payment
Wednesday 20th June 2018
💷Not received your LFASS 2017 payment yet?💷 Farmers and Crofters who received the 90% loan offer have until June 29th to claim this - so don't delay!! Any problems - please get in touch ASAP.
SUSSS - Ewe Hogg Scheme
Monday 18th June 2018
🐑SUSSS ( aka Ewe Hogg Scheme)🐑 1044 farmers are due to receive their ewe hogg payments within the next few weeks at a rate of £60/hd.💷 Another welcome payment to many a needy bank account! Hopefully another few "good news" stories might be announced during Royal Highland Show week!
Crop Diversification ( 3 Crop Rule)
Friday 4th May 2018
Breaking News: EU have granted a derogation meaning there is no crop diversification requirement (3 crop rule) as part of your greening for 2018. Perhaps the announcement comes a little too late for many as sowing well…
SSBSS ( Beef Calf Scheme)
Thursday 3rd May 2018
The 2017 SSBSS payments are due to be paid into our bank accounts in the next few weeks, the rate has been set at £99.49/hd for…