
Greening Scotland 2021 - EFA still required

Friday 11th September 2020

In late July England removed all of their Greening requirements for 2021, with Northern Ireland following suit yesterday. However, in Scotland although Crop Diversification (2/3 crop rule) has been removed for 2021 (as per 2018…

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Sustainable Agriculture Grant Scheme

Monday 7th September 2020

Here is a brief outline of what you need to know about this new scheme: Grant is awarded at 50% of the standard costs or 60% in the Highlands and Islands, maximum…

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Moo-ving Livestock

Sunday 14th June 2020

🐑🐄Moo-ving Livestock - Paperwork needed!😏 It's the time of year for turning stock out and using seasonal grazings so here is a wee reminder what you may need to remember about! Firstly make sure you are registered with the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) to keep livestock on that holding number (This is a common anomaly found during inspections!) 🐄Cattle…

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Tuesday 24th March 2020

💥We are working hard to keep business as normal as possible here.💥 💷With regard to SAF/IACS 2020 - at present we continue to work towards the 15th May deadline (if…

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Convergence Funding

Friday 24th January 2020

💷Lots of enquiries today regarding the long awaited convergence funding, so here is what we know so far....💷 💥There is a total of £90 million available for Scotland, with £10 million of this weighted with 70% towards Region 3 land…

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Greening 2020

Monday 6th January 2020

With some of you just recovering from the 2020 harvest (!) please be aware that the closed period for EFA Fallow land is only a few days away! So please have a think about your…

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Payment Timetable 2020

Monday 6th January 2020

Please see the table above for the "anticipated" date your 2019 Scheme payments will be made. Hopefully this might assist cashflow during these uncertain times; and if you require any further information please do not…

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LFASS Loan 2019

Thursday 12th December 2019

Still awaiting "official" confirmation what with election going-ons', but letters to offer LFASS loans are expected to arrive shortly... This is expected to be 95% of 80% of…

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Future of Subsidies

Saturday 9th November 2019

Worrying times? To be clear this is not a political post - just one to make us all stop for a second and think about our own business's future... In January 2018 Michael Gove confirmed subsidy's would effectively be safeguarded until 2024 South of the border. In June 2018 Fergus…

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2019 Sheep Counts

Friday 27th September 2019

🐑2019 Sheep Counts - Top Tips!🐑 SGRPID have recently started their 2019 sheep counts, so below are a few changes that you should be aware of for 2019: 1) If the farmer inspected has no…

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