
2019 Sheep Counts

2019 Sheep Counts

Friday 27th September 2019

🐑2019 Sheep Counts - Top Tips!🐑

SGRPID have recently started their 2019 sheep counts, so below are a few changes that you should be aware of for 2019:

1) If the farmer inspected has no sheep, but has had sheep within the past 3 years - historic records will be inspected.

2) One year ON and OFF movements will be inspected from the date the inspection report was created, however if there are <25 movements within this period, the check will extend to include 25 movements - inspectors will not look beyond 2 years.

3) Ensure your movements are recorded in your records, the movement document is available and correctly completed. SGRPID are now recording whether the movement is the responsibility of the business and whether it is a "within business move"

4)You will be asked to confirm you meet the minimum agricultural activity requirements.

5) A 60 tag search will be extended if a)One animal is incorrectly tagged, b)One animal has never been tagged, c)Ten animals are found with a single lost tag, d) Seven animals are found with both eartags missing.

NOTE: For the purpose of extending the search animals with one and two missing eartags will be added together and if >10 the sample extended.

If you need any further information please do not hesitate to get in touch.